Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I know, two posts in two days? What's the world coming to? I blame the heat.

I still can't get a title out, so the last post and this one will have to go nameless. Yesterday, I had to write up that story because it was there, percolating if you will. Had I not at least written it down somewhere, it would have slipped away into the back of the mind and gnawed at me. Given that I wanted to go to sleep, I figured it was better to get it out where I could get a look at it.

I'll blame the heat as well for posting it. It's kind of what I think of as a rough draft on it's way to a first draft. Not that I ever bother really with drafts, that's just the classification I'd put it in if someone asked.

For example, normally I start with an idea or an instance/situation. For this story, the idea was the character's dream that had the prophecy of their death. Using my own life, I was able to give the idea a situation, the four friends looking for a place to live. From there, the writing just flowed out. All I did to really edit it was nip a few of the nonsensical phrases and correct spelling.

If I was going to keep writing this story (I'm using "if" only because what further writing is done on it, may not be posted given that its previous incarnation is here), I'll probably either expand on the role that the roommates have and flesh them out or trim them down to being little more than a mention. Since this is an idea story and not a situation one, the other characters can be altered without me risking the loss of the story by being drowned in others.

So, how would I decide? Since I've addressed the idea, it rather depends on how long a story I'm aiming for. To make the most of the story, it would be better to trim it down and make it neat and proper. To make it interesting though, would probably mean making it a little longer and making the world "real."

But making it larger means expanding the roommates. There's only a little more backstory to it that might be needed, and other than the words added in rewrite to make the flow better, I don't think there's many large details I skipped over in the interest of getting the idea out of my head.

Alright, so why this post? In part, morning after regrets. I usually want to make my works "better" before putting them out for public consumption. Which is why I have only two stories up here instead of the many that I had envisioned when creating the blog. So I put this up as an excuse for the quality of the work and an explanation of where it will be going.

Finally, because I've got the need to write. I'm bouncing back and forth between this, the story and a few chats. It gives me something to do to focus my mind in whatever direction it needs to go. When I was mudding, I used to enjoy balancing the three focuses. RP, the controlled creativity. OOC, the uncontrolled creativity where I might express my randomness that was built up by the expressed creativity but had no outlet there. And then IMs, where I could be calm, serious and reflective instead of creative.

So, I guess the burden gets passed to you few who visit the blog. Nameless, as the titles of these posts are... Shall I continue to toss up rough work? Toss out only the stuff that meets minimum quality? Write posts that are merely a summation of thoughts instead of creativity? You're welcome to say all of the above, but if you're that trite I can't promise a proper response. :)


Nymaya Kayen said...

Write out whatever comes unto frutition in your artist's mind.

I'm probably the last person to be commenting on writing standards as I am truly my own worst critic but I have long since come to the difficult understanding that even the proverbial 'rough draft' (if you want to lable it as such) is simply a way to perfect that idea that's been swimming around in your mind, preventing restful sleep and focus. I can't count how many times I've posted a story only to delete it, re-edit, post again and so on.

Karinthadillo said...


Riffi said...

I didn't have any idea how to get a hold of you, so decided to try this way. If you read these, please contact the little Finnish duck! *kwacks*

tiittapauppi (at) gmail.com

*pretty please* We miss the *hoot*